
Evolution of Indian Roads - Outer Ring Road is the beginning

Finally, I got a chance today to take a quick drive on ORR. On my return from Rajiv Gandhi Airport, Hyderabad, I checkout a V turn one towards Hyderabad & the other for Bangalore. I remembered ORR to be just adjacent to the airport road. I swiftly took an exit to check out the future road-structure of India with 8 lanes for about 158km (about 100 miles). I assume the Infrastructure & base construction standards are taken from European standards of France.

1. Naming Conventions for Type of Roads, Exit info etc
2. Tolls on exit, no traffic slowing up as in European roads
3. Exit are simple U turns, easier for less literate Truck Drivers to follow

Further Improvements:
1. Naming convention to be English, Hindi, Native Language, its presently named as English, Telugu, Hindi. this will impose for every state in India to follow the same naming conventions.
2. Need to distribute safety measures or more info. on ORR printed with toll receipts to educate Truck drivers & other naive commuters.



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